■Process to establish this NGO
our NGO, Tumaini Nyumbani is established by Kyoko Onishi who was a student of Osaka University of Foreign Studies and by Winnie who is a stuff in Kenya on 2003. all of Kenyan member except for Winnie is AIDS patients and most of them are single mother.Purpose of this NGO is hepling to be independent of AIDS patients and their children. from when this group was established, 3 members died of AIDS left their children. For those children and another children who has mother of AIDS patient, we went to kenya to build orphanage on september of 2005.
■Construction of orphanage by Hands.
We were constructiong orphanage by our hands. we carried heavy stones by our hands and our hands became horny. "Hey ourcarpenter... should we still carry stones?" " Not yet Not yet. you should carry at least this amount of stones!" " Oh no!" i was tired but kenyan mamas were making mad tappig soil and water. they were serious and not being afraided to be injured leg by small stones, they steped mad steadily with black strong legs. mamas who were living with ugali given by men, who were making noise shouting "i'm suffering i'm suffering more than her... from when, did you become strong? while we were in Japan, they were doing meeting and were united and became strong so much. when i pour water and clean their legs, they seemed so happy and laughed with big smiles.
■ Difficulty to understand each other.
one day i asked winnie a question that i was thinking all the time.
" hey winnie, aren't you save money?" when she heard so, she just laughed and said to me. "Ah~~Naomi~~you can never understand me...."
"it's so hard to live even just one day. there are no money to save. paying house rent and buing milk for my children and payng fee of hospital for mama... then i can't save. i don't eat lunch every day.
"really?!" "yes! i go to town because of working of Tumaini every day, if i eat in town, it's bit expensive, so i eat heavy breakfast and goingback home with tireness then just eat dinner. that's all." she laughed again and said " Naomi , you can never know" i couldn't talk to her and feel sad then i bended my head sadly.
■fee for orphanage which was not enough
on the way of construction, money which we brought from Japan was almost finishing. i decided to lend money from my mom and called to Japan.
" we were constructing orphanage and we are in lack of money... so i'd like you to send money to my account.
"Ok! i send to you in ywo days!' after calling i told winnie about it and she said to me that " thank you so much!! then it will be OK!!" i don't know why. at thyat time, some strong feeling attacked me and cried alone. i really don't know why. it probably because i didn't want to give money from me, it probably because i thought such a feeling is selfish and felt guilty. it probably because i was thinking about Tumaini from now and got lost. it probably because i was surprised so much by defference between kenya and japan where people who can send big money soon. anyway i suffered by strong feeling and even now, remembering at that time, i feel like crying. and from that time, i never want Tumaini members to feel such a mad feeling.
■Hard reality
i was said by teacher that "You are so hardworking so i feel small but the time money has gone is the finish of your group isn't it?
i can never think about it. Winnie continues Tumaini Nyumbani because she can never forget saying of mama who died, that is, "never forget my children and plase take care of them." like that i knew pain of mama so i can never separate from this activity forever. but the sayng of the teacher was on the point and i think we can't maintain orphanage not knowing how we should manage NGO. not only with passion and strong feeling but also with learning many things, we would like to continue this activity.
"Welcome!income of this market will be used for people who are suffering!! please look around~~!”
free market which is held in Banpaku kinenkouen, we sell our close and add income to our fund. we were selling a shirt 800yen but a customer was attempting by 100 yen. my jounior said to him "we cannot send this money to africa with only this 100yen... " then he just said. " it's none of my buisiness."
sometimes world is too cool for us and we are astonished so much.
i was said again and again that "you will be blessed" but i was about to start to feel that it may mean "you will be brought to the hell"
■the meaning of Helping Independence
like that i was negatively thinking but i meet new idea. that is, i meet Teruko Kikumoto who manage orphanage for long time.
"don't give help soon although they are suffering. then they ask and you help, they ask and you help again and again. and yu will fall into the hell of help. finally they will be used to be helped and we will be tired. about our group, a quarter of our money is earned by our orphanes. they are proud of living by themselves. if japan get Tsunami, then sending money can be stopped. in that time, they know how to survive. what i can say is that they have ability to think how to survive and they know how to carry out.
i was surprised mentally so much. when the money for orphanage was about to finish, winnie, also i just thought we should get money from Japan.
in the first place, we set our purpose that is helping INDEPENDENCE. not only people in kenya but also our NGO itself should get independence. then they can be proud of our group, Tumaini Nyumbani.
■th end of this NGO
for the achivement of independence, we try to do microfinance, but it's possible when this NGO is economically stable.
so firstly, we want to sell sisal bags they made and to improve their sisal bags, so that we can be stable economically. at the same time, we want to broadcast about this AIDS problem actively so that more people can know about this problem.
thank you
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